Saturday, 30 April 2016

Z - Ze End (maybe)

Michael Cui gets it.
Yeah, Z is another one of those awkward letters in an A to Z list, especially with a theme about reading. (I read The Zephyr once.)

Me, I'm just glad I've nearly gotten to the end of the A to Z Challenge. I've read some good blogs and met some fascinating new people.

This year was much easier, thanks to some lessons I learned from last year. Will I blog A to Z again next year? I think I very well might. Let us see how life goes then. I'll still have grad school, I'll still have books coming out and I'll still have lawns to mow. I wonder what I'll learn about myself between now and then?

Question: What did you enjoy most about the A to Z Challenge? Did you find any new fascinating blogs? Did someone's post really stick out to you? Do share.

Her Grace invites you to tune in Monday and Tuesday where she continues the alphabet with two letters that have disappeared recently from the English language.


Celia Reaves said...

I have enjoyed following your posts during the A to Z challenge this year. It's been a lot of fun!

E.M. Goldsmith said...

I very much enjoyed the challenge although my poor, neglected manuscript. I have found lots of great new blogs. It was also a great lesson in discipline. I used Zephyr brewery for my last lesson which is different than the book, but yes, Z is a bit limiting. Still not as rough as X in the English language. See you back at the Reef.

Scarlett Braden said...

Congratulations on completing the challenge!
@ScarlettBraden from
Frankly Scarlett