Tuesday 2 February 2016

Interview - Annette Miller

We still have two weeks of Candy Hearts Romances to go. Today's interview is Annette Miller, whose book www.CUPID shares the same book birthday as mine.  Love paranormal romance? Hate bureaucracy? Give this a read.

Buy Links, because it's available right now:

Allison McCall, supervisor in the Romance and Proposal Department of Cupid Corp., firmly believes rules are meant to be followed, yet her own love life is unfulfilling.

Preston Carlyle, Allison’s former boyfriend and one of more creative agents, believes rules should be broken occasionally to give true love a chance. Only he’s having a hard time convincing Allison and Cupid his techniques are working.

From the disastrous paperwork and the frequency of Allison’s visits to Cupid’s office on Preston’s behalf, she fears her position and his job are in jeopardy. But when she finds out he’s requested a transfer to the Holiday Security Agency, Allison decides to prove she cares for him…even if it means breaking a few rules.

Of course, with a blurb like that, we had to cross-examine Annette to find out what make www.CUPID and the author tick:

HWK:  Even love is ruled by bureaucracy. What gave you the idea of incorporating Cupid for the guidance of romance? 

AM: Everyone always seems to have this preconceived notion of Cupid as a cute cherub with a bow and arrow or a mischievious imp. I guess I pictured him as more of a corporate man, treating love like a business because of a broken heart in his past. 

HWK:  Preston's not doing a very good job. How did Preston get promoted to the Romance & Proposal Department from Flowers & Poetry? 

AM: He pulled a few strings because the girl he loved in college is the head of that department. So, a little bit of this, a smattering of that, and there you go. Moved to the place you want to be. 

HWK:  You seem to enjoy inserting the fantastical into your stories. What is it about Fantasy that sings to your soul? 

AM: The world these days truly lives up to the phrase "harsh reality". Fantasy, and romance, give readers a softer place to live. Those worlds are usually saved, not by the big names, or prominent people, but by regular folks who know doing the right thing is hard, but worth it. And I like to think there are magical creatures watching over us. 

HWK:  Would today's society benefit from a real life Cupid Corp? 

AM: I think so. Sometimes people need that little voice in their ear or a gentle nudge in the right direction. 

HWK:  Due to a Very Sticky Situation, you must turn to a life of crime. What new criminal career would you choose? 

AM: Robbery. When I built enough capital, I'd become a megalomaniacal overlord of the planet. I like to dream big. 

HWK:  Preach it! If you could convince the world of ANYTHING, what would it be? 

AM: Don't let people you can't do something because "it's crazy" or "there's no money in it". Follow your heart and trust your instincts. You have them for a reason. Get rid of anyone who doesn't encourage and support you. It's your life. Grab it and run!

HWK:  Sounds great!


Happy Book Birthday for yesterday.  www.CUPID is available right now for your reading pleasure:

TWRP | Amazon |  B&N | Kobo

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