Here is a list of the top fifty words I used the most, including the number of times I used it:
the (2948), Her (1908), to (1753), she (1514), a (1511), of (1287), and (1034), he (991), was (987), his (949), it (944), miss (859), I (827), you (770), in (747), that (730), Felicity (719), Not (690), had (680), At (509), For (471), as (445), have (429), If (411), What (403), with (399), on (389), be (375), out (367), Wyndell (364), would (358), Mr (353), him (343), this (326), But (323), Smith (317), mother (314), so (306), about (306), they (303), one (298), lady (285), no (281), could (279), up (273), did (270), Abbot (251), is (246), been (237), all (233)
Here are the bottom fifty words I used the least, with only one instance of each word:
summers, loss, frivolities, riding, build, restitched, singing,
emit, storing, desired, concentrate, imbue, jewellery, store, bracelet, talents,
sensed, glide, powerlessness, relish, quilting, unlocking, stitching, frocks, stylish,
sprawled, strand, curler, bowed, stake, selfish, debuting, tip, tempted, chide,
returns, submitted, order, exuberance, blessed, department, wafted, touches, tucks,
persnickity, awaiting, spinsterhood, mires, languishing, detested
(We know which words are the rice and which ones are the spice.)
Total unique words used in a 71,000-word book: 5796
Now that I know how many unique words I've used, and how many (too many!) common words I've used, I really ought to change those stats for my next novel.
Her Grace is wondering how many epithets one can call Zeus before one gets zotted for insolence?